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Jr./Sr. High School Clubs & Activities

Academic Union (Yearbook)

The Academic Union is a school club that creates the yearbook for the current school year. The Academic Union currently has 12 members, but involves the entire student body. Students in Academic Union learn many skills such as time management, prioritizing, reliability, and the responsibility of following through on tasks when others are depending on you. Students learn about photography, photoshopping, page layouts, yearbook themes, design ideas – putting together a yearbook from start to finish is full of tasks that get the creative juices flowing. It’s very rewarding for students to have the physical proof to show for all of that hard work they put in over the course of the year. When anyone first starts a project, it’s easy to get lost in all of the details. But being able to look back at the end and see your creation is a great feeling that gives students a strong sense of pride.

Members also learn how to manage the book financially as well. Students are required to fundraise to lower the price of the overall yearbook for other students. They do this by selling ads to local businesses and by selling senior sweatshirts. The yearbook has met its first deadline this December by assembling the Senior pages filled with pictures, Senior quotes, and faculty. We will continue to capture the memories and events as they take place throughout the school year.

Art Club

Art Club encourages and promotes the exploration of all forms of art, exposure to new media, and encourages a positive attitude towards experimenting, and exploring creative material. We will discuss the exposure of modern art and careers while encouraging the experimentation of new techniques outside of their perspective media classrooms. Suggestions for new media inclusion within the arts department will be taken and incorporated during club meetings. All students grades 9-12 are welcome to attend!

Bible Club

Bible Club offers students a welcoming space to explore faith and engage in meaningful discussions. Through Bible study and fellowship, participants develop a deeper understanding of Scripture and how it applies to their lives. As the most widely published book in the world, the Bible holds a prominent place in society around the globe for thousands of years. The Bible club meets weekly on the first day of the school week with each meeting including a time of Bible study, covering a specific passage or topic. This club is open to any student (7th through 12th) who has an interest in learning what the Bible teaches. The general benefits of the club include, but are not limited to, biblical literacy, reading comprehension, critical thinking, group collaboration, character development, and mental health.

Color Guard

Color Guard performs choreographed dances and routines with various equipment including flags. They perform in conjunction with the marching band. Color Guard is open to students in grades 7-12. Rehearsals begin in and around March. Students are expected to perform in the Dolgeville, Sherburne, and Waterville Parades.

Drama Club

Drama Club is an extracurricular activity that is open to all students in grades 9 through 12. The objective of Drama Club is to help its members learn more about aspects of theater. This learning includes stage terminology, acting skills, set/ prop building, costumes, hair/make-up design, as well as team building, responsibility, confidence and self-expression. Drama club begins in late June with sign-ups for the Fall show.


Drumline is a section of percussion instruments played while moving. This ensemble generally performs alongside the marching band. Students are expected to perform in the Dolgeville, Sherburne, and Waterville Parades. Band students in 7-12 grade are able to participate.

Future Farmers of America (FFA)

FFA is the intracurricular leadership component of Agriculture Education. Senior high students must be enrolled in a class taught by the Agricultural Science Teacher in order to join FFA. (All ag students are “rostered” through NYS/ National FFA and may join by signing up locally at any time during the year.) All Waterville Junior High students are eligible to participate in FFA. FFA prepares members for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.

International Club

The International Club aims to promote global cultural awareness among our student body. We achieve this through the exploration and celebration of various cultural holidays and events; watching International movies; taking trips to local events such as International Art Exhibits in Utica; International or Cultural Series events at MVCC; visiting International restaurants and more! We have made informational posters to hang around the building to help inform students of how they can be more culturally aware, and hosted International trivia in the past. Our goal is to continue growing and we hope to expand to a study abroad program in the future.

Jazz Band

(September-July) High School Jazz Band and Jr. High Jazz bands each meet once weekly for an hour and a half to work on music of the jazz, rock, funk genre. They are then expected to perform at the 3 school concerts and the Sherburne Pageant of Bands in June.

Prerequisite: Must be in band to participate unless homeschooled.

Marching Band

Marching Band is a mixture of students from 7 – 12th grade for students who are currently enrolled in band. The group is active from January until July. We rehearse January until May once a week, for an hour and a half, with possible weekend rehearsals in May. Students are expected to perform in the Dolgeville, Sherburne, and Waterville Parades.

Prerequisite: Must be in band to participate unless homeschooled.

Men’s Ensemble

This group is open to all male students in grades 9-12. This men’s choir rehearses after school one day per week. No credit is given for participation in this ensemble. Men’s Ensemble performs at all High School Concerts. Repertoire includes, but is not limited to: musical theatre, folk songs, madrigals, spirituals, pop, rock, and jazz standards.

Media Production & Journalism

The Media Production & Journalism Club is responsible for the production of the Waterville Jr./Sr. High Eagle Eye, the school’s digital news magazine. Members attend weekly meetings to decide issue contents and stay abreast of publication needs. Students interested in design, writing, photography, videography, and editing will have that opportunity, but it is not necessary. Since the success of the Eagle Eye depends on school-wide student participation, members will also assist with advertising and promotion.

Musical Production

The Musical Production rehearses from December through March with auditions held in November. This is an auditioned ensemble and rehearsals are after school, on weekends, and during vacations. (Note: not every member needs to attend every rehearsal). There are various opportunities available both onstage and behind the scenes.

Prerequisite course: Mixed Chorus

National Honor Society (Grades 10, 11, 12)

Members of the high school chapter of the National Honor Society work to embody the pillars of scholarship, service, leadership, character, and citizenship through community-based and civically engaged events. Students work to become better members of and contributors to our local community through completing individual service missions and working collaboratively on group projects. The organization emphasizes character-building and scholarship of its members, and the secondary student body, through its efforts. Students must be academically eligible according to the bylaws to apply for membership.

National Junior Honor Society (Grades 7, 8, 9)

Students must be academically eligible according to the bylaws to apply for membership. Applications are then given to the Waterville National Honor Society Faculty Council, who reviews them based on the five pillars of the Honor Society, and the members are then chosen. The goal of this organization is to create enthusiasm to do well in school, to promote volunteer work and leadership, to develop character, and encourage good citizenship in the students of Waterville Jr./Sr. High School.

Outdoors Club

The Outdoors Club offers opportunities for WCS students to enjoy activities in a safe nonjudgmental environment. It promotes well-being and challenges both the physical and mental. Anyone in eighth grade through twelfth grade can participate in the club and events. Some trips are limited to high school students only, such as overnight trips or trips with age limits (i.e. whitewater rafting). Members recommend the events we do and help decide which trips to participate in. Members have the opportunity to fundraise and make money for trips and events. Members may receive discounts for trips based on attendance and participation. Members always have the opportunity to participate in an event over nonmembers. Clubs like the Outdoors Club provide opportunities for members to participate in activities that can offer challenges to both the physical and mental abilities of students. Meeting these challenges and successfully achieving goals can promote a better sense of being. Whether climbing a high peak, or completing a high ropes course, going to the ocean for the first time, playing a game with friends while camping, all these promote a better self. Participating in events with others of various backgrounds and working with others help us grow socially and emotionally.

Percussion Ensemble

This ensemble strives to develop both the musical skills of percussionists and non-percussionists through emphasis on music reading, listening to others to build ensemble skills, maintaining strong inner rhythm, and exploring multiple techniques. The ensemble’s emphasis is on the process of making music in an ensemble situation and building the personal and group dynamics needed in this musical group. Applying student’s current skills and having fun with percussion is the goal. Requirements: Students must be 7-12th graders and perform at the High School Winter Concert and High School Spring Concert. Rehearsals are twice a week after school.


The purpose of the GSA is to celebrate and promote diversity throughout the Waterville Jr./Sr. High School campus in students, faculty, staff, and community members. We will act as both a personal and social support for individuals within the Waterville school community who may be dealing with and/or struggling with gender and sexuality issues. In addition, we hope to unite the community through education, create a dialogue that promotes human rights, and encourage an appreciation and celebration of diversity. Last year we had over 20 members and met bi-weekly. Events included the participation in The Day of Silence, and guest speakers from the QCenter during club meetings. We plan to hold more educational events and host holiday gatherings for all to feel welcome.

Prize Speaking

Prize Speaking is an extracurricular activity open to all high school students. Waterville hosts the oldest high school Prize Speaking event in the country. Students are required to memorize dramatic and comedic monologues or speeches and poems for presentation at an event held every November. Students compete for prize monies donated by the Waterville Rotary. Students gain important skills in memorization and presentation. This is a great way to build confidence and develop important life

Ski Club

Students will learn to ski or snowboard during the six times the club meets throughout the winter. Students do not need to own any equipment as it can be rented at the mountain. Anyone that has outdoor cold weather clothing and is willing to learn something that lasts a lifetime is welcome!

Student Council

The Waterville JSHS Student Council objective is to promote school-wide student activities that generate interest and spirit within the school. These activities will allow Student Council members to foster democratic values, interact with the instructional staff and administration, and provide opportunities for self-government and the management of their school. The Student Council consists of students who are elected/selected as representatives for grades 7-12. Waterville JSHS may request a project for consideration by the Student Council by presenting their request for their project, in writing, to any Student Council member. Project requests will be assessed by the faculty and administration to ensure the undertakings of the project are worthwhile.

Swing Choir

Swing Choir meets once a week for approximately two hours. Audition is required, and will occur the first Saturday of the school year. Swing Choir members are required to wear specified concert dress materials. This ensemble performs at all High School concerts as well as numerous concerts in the community.

Prerequisite course: Mixed Chorus

Women’s Ensemble

This group is open to all female students in grades 9-12. This Women’s choir rehearses after school one day per week. No credit is given for participation in this ensemble. Women’s Ensemble performs at all High School Concerts. Repertoire includes, but is not limited to: musical theatre, folk songs, madrigals, spirituals, pop, rock, and jazz standards.

Jr./Sr. High School Contact

381 Madison Street
Waterville, NY 13480
Phone (315) 841-3800
Fax (315) 841-3838
Jr./Sr. High School Principal: Andre Paradis
Assistant Principal: Kirt Broedel
Principal’s Secretary: Melissa Stone
Athletic Director: Tom Gifford
Athletic Director Secretary & Attendance Secretary: Jenn O’Sullivan

(315) 841-3810