Child Abuse Hotline Notification | Code of Conduct | District Safety Plan | Inclement Weather Plan
DASA | Smart Schools Investment Plan
Child Abuse Hotline Notification
If you suspect a child is being abused or maltreated (neglected), report it by calling 1-800-342-3720, a toll-free 24-hour hotline operated by the New York State Office of Children and Family Services. If you believe a child is in immediate danger, call 911 or your local police department. Information about reporting child abuse and maltreatment (neglect) is available online at the New York State Office of Children and Family Services Child Protective Services website.
Code of Conduct
Waterville CSD has developed the following Code of Conduct as part of their commitment to providing a safe and orderly school environment.
View the complete Waterville CSD Code of Conduct.
District Safety Plan and Emergency Response Procedures
The Waterville Central School District has a District School Safety Plan and confidential Building-level Emergency Response Plans for each building as required by New York State Safe School Against Violence in Education (S.A.V.E.) Law. This NYS law requires the District to annually update the plans, seek public comment and provide information to all students and staff about emergency procedures. The District’s Safety Plan and Building-level Emergency Response Plans are reviewed by District committees annually. All updates are approved by the Board of Education prior to submitting the plans to the New York State Education Department and the New York State Police. The District conducts
periodic safety audits with police, fire officials, EMT/ ambulance and with the BOCES Safety Office.
The District provides training throughout the year and, at a minimum, conducts at least eight fire drills, four lockdown drills and a District- wide drill to test other emergency plans and/or early dismissal. Emergency school closings or delays will be communicated through ParentSquare and posted on the District’s website. Our schools regularly practice the following safety drills, S-H-E-L-L, throughout the year.
Shelter-In-Place is used to shelter students and staff inside the building.
Hold-In-Place is used to limit movement of students and staff while dealing with short term emergencies.
Evacuation is used to evacuate students and staff from the building when leaving the building is the safest alternative.
Lockout secures the outer perimeter of the building when there is an imminent threat or concern outside of the school. In a lockout, there is no classroom disruption.
Lockdown is used to secure school buildings and grounds during incidents that pose an immediate threat of danger in or around the school.
For more information concerning school safety, please contact the superintendent or building principal.
View Waterville CSD’s complete District-Wide Safety Plans and Building-Level Emergency Response Plans.
2024-25 Inclement Weather Plan
The Waterville Central School District has established weather-related protocols regarding school closure, delays, early dismissals, remote learning, or the cancellation of after school and evening activities. The district uses several methods to communicate this information with parents and community members.
In the event that the district must activate its inclement weather plan, parents and community members will be notified through the following:
- ParentSquare email, text alerts and phone calls. Parents must download the Parent Square APP to be connected to ParentSquare (PS). If you are not receiving district communications through PS, please contact your building secretary. At MPS, please contact Mary Blunt at and at the Jr/Sr High, please contact Melissa Stone at This method is only available to district families and staff.
- The district website at
- Local media stations and websites: WKTV, Spectrum News
District Protocols
School Closure
If it appears that students cannot be transported safely to school or back home at the end of the day, the Waterville CSD will not open. The district will make every attempt to the greatest extent possible to announce a delay or a school closure by 6:00 a.m.
Delayed Start
When conditions warrant, the district may utilize a two-hour delay to the start of the school day. When there is a two-hour delay, the bus will arrive 2 hours later than the usual pickup time. On these days, there will be no morning BOCES and breakfast will not be served. There will be no morning Fitness Center on these days. When a two-hour delay is called, the district retains the option to close school for the full day.
Early Dismissal
The district will do its best to avoid early dismissals as we realize this is a hardship for parents/caregivers. However, If weather conditions are expected to deteriorate and warrant an early dismissal, the district will notify parents through the listed channels and as early in the day as possible.
Remote Learning
This will not be the preferred option this school year, unless emergency days have been exhausted. In that case, students would be instructed to bring home their chromebooks on a daily basis and K-5 would be issued devices.
Cancellation of Afterschool and/or Evening Activities
When conditions warrant, the district may need to cancel afternoon and/or evening activities. Decisions about afterschool and evening activities will be made by 1:30 p.m. and be communicated through the listed channels. The Athletic Director will also inform parents of athletes through ParentSquare. The Fitness Center will be closed as well.
Wind Chills and Cold Temperatures
Wind chills and cold temperatures may dip into extreme ranges which can impact student safety. If negative wind chills are predicted, the district may be placed on a cold weather alert and outside recess will be canceled. Persistent wind chills of -25 or greater may delay or close school, consistent with guidance from the New York Statewide School Health Services Center.
Additionally, as we approach the colder weather, please make sure that all children, including teenagers, have appropriate outerwear every day. Warm jackets, hats, scarves, boots and an extra pair of gloves will protect them. If your child is in need of any of these items, please contact Connected Community Schools at
Dignity for All Students Act (DASA)
The goal of the Dignity for All Students Act (DASA) is to provide students with a safe, supportive educational environment that is free from discrimination, intimidation, taunting, harassment and bullying. Some of the law requirements include: establishing anti-harassment and discrimination policies, creating school training programs and including a course in civility, citizenship and character education in the curriculum for every grade level.
Bullying is:
- Repeated, unwanted aggressive behavior toward someone
- Someone is being hurt on purpose
- Social, verbal, physical, mental, or cyber
Download a DASA Incident Reporting Form.
Hard copies of the reporting form are also available in the main office in the Elementary School and Jr./Sr. High School.
For questions or concerns, please contact your school’s Dignity Act Coordinator:
Memorial Park Elementary Kathy Zangrilli, Principal (315) 841-3700 | Junior/Senior High School Dr. Stephen Grimm, Interim Principal (315) 841-3843 |
Smart Schools Investment Plan
The Smart Schools Bond Act (SSBA) was approved by New York State voters in 2014 and authorized the issuance of $2 billion of general obligation bonds to finance improved educational technology and infrastructure to improve learning and opportunity for students throughout the State. The Waterville CSD award is $997,805.
View the plans
- Smart School Investment Plan – SSIP Overview 01/26/2017
- Smart Schools Investment Plan – SSIP Overview 11/13/2017
- Smart Schools Investment Plan – Presentation 11/12/2019
- Smart Schools Investment Plan – Revised – Supplement 3 07/30/2020
- Smart Schools Investment Plan – Revised – Supplement 4 02/24/2021
- Smart Schools Investment Plan – Revised – Supplement 1 05/13/2021
- Smart Schools Investment Plan – Revised – Supplement 1 Amendment 1 06/15/2022
Questions about the Smart Schools Investment Plan may be submitted to:
If you cannot access the documents on this page, please call (518) 841-3900 or email Communications to obtain the document in an alternative format.
About Us Links
District Contact
381 Madison Street
Waterville, NY 13480
Phone (315) 841-3900
Fax (315) 841-3939
Superintendent: Dr. Jennifer Spring
Memorial Park Elementary School Contact
145 Bacon St E
Waterville, NY 13480
Phone (315) 841-3700
Fax (315) 841-3718
Principal: Kathy Zangrilli
Assistant Principal: Kirt Broedel
Jr./Sr. High School Contact
381 Madison Street
Waterville, NY 13480
Phone (315) 841-3808
Fax (315) 841-3838
Principal: Andre Paradis
Assistant Principal: Kirt Broedel