Universal Pre-K Information Night will be held on Monday, Feb. 24, at 6:00 p.m. in the Memorial Park Elementary Cafeteria. Children are welcome to attend. For more information, visit https://www.watervillecsd.org/universal-pre-k/!

Home » About Us » Attendance Policy

Attendance Policy

Report an Absence

It is the responsibility of students and parents/guardians to maintain regular attendance and notify the school when absent.

Memorial Park Elementary School

At Memorial Park Elementary School, parents/guardians can report an absence by phone at (315) 841-3783 or email k6busing@watervillecsd.org.

Jr./Sr. High School

At the Jr./Sr. High School, parents/guardians can report an absence by phone at (315) 841-3810 or email 7-12 attendance@watervillecsd.org.

Attendance Policy

The Waterville Board of Education, District administration and staff recognize that regular school attendance is an essential part of a successful educational program and a critical relationship exists between academically engaged time, student performance and life success. The Waterville Central School District’s Board of Education, along with being in accordance with New York state law, has adopted an Attendance Policy (7020), requiring each minor from six to sixteen or seventeen years of age, to regularly attend school full time, unless they have completed a four year high school course of study. The student may attend a school other than a public school or receive home instruction, provided the New York State Education requirements for homeschooling are followed.

If a student is tardy, departs school early, or is absent from school for all or part of the school day, the student’s parent/ guardian must provide a reason for this absence. Absences for the following reasons will be considered excused: illness, sickness or death in the family, impassable roads or inclement weather, religious observance, quarantine, approved college visit, required appointments in court or other state agencies that cannot be scheduled outside of school hours, attendance at health clinic/medical appointments, approved cooperative work program, approved school-sponsored trips and activities, out of school suspension or military obligations.

All other reasons will be considered as unexcused absences. These include those related to truancy which means that an absence occurred without the consent or knowledge of a parent (skipping), tardiness to school, or leaving school without permission. Other unexcused absences, even with parental/guardian permission, include: hunting/fishing, family vacations, shopping, missing the bus, being needed at home, personal reasons (i.e., driver’s test, job interview, off-campus lunch), Senior Skip Day (this is not a function recognized by the District), hair, nails or tanning appointments. Parents/guardians should understand that when students miss school, whether for an excused or unexcused absence, they miss a lot. Research shows that missing 10% of the school year, which is the equivalent to a total of 18 days or just two days per month, negatively impacts a student’s academic performance and social-emotional well-being. Students who are on track to miss 10% of the school year are considered chronically absent and may be referred to the Oneida County Probation Department or Child Protective Services.

New York State Education Law requires the Waterville Central School District to inform students and parents/guardians of the district’s policy that all eligible students are allowed to participate in a high school graduation ceremony and associated graduation activities with their graduating class (i.e., the 12th grade class with which such student entered into ninth grade). This includes students who have been awarded a Skills and Achievement Commencement Credential or Career Development and Occupational Studies Commencement Credential.

attendance office

Notify the school when your child is absent.

Memorial Park Elementary School

(315) 841-3783

Jr./Sr. High School

(315) 841-3810