Universal Pre-K Information Night will be held on Monday, Feb. 24, at 6:00 p.m. in the Memorial Park Elementary Cafeteria. Children are welcome to attend. For more information, visit https://www.watervillecsd.org/universal-pre-k/!

Home » Waterville voters approve 2023-24 budget; elect 4 board of education members

Waterville voters approve 2023-24 budget; elect 4 board of education members

Waterville Central School District voters approved the district’s $20,959,619 2023-24 budget proposal on May 16. Residents also elected four board of education members and approved the purchase of new buses.

The budget proposition passed with 76.9% voter approval; 276 yes votes and 83 no votes.

More information about the budget is available on the school budget section of the district website.

Bus proposition

Purchasing four new school buses at a total cost not to exceed $489,268: 274 yes; 86 no

Other propositions

Shall the proposition be approved authorizing the Board of Education of the Waterville Central School District to levy taxes annually in the amount of $239.848 and pay over such monies to the Trustees of the Waterville Public Library? 305 yes; 56 no

Shall the proposition be approved authorizing the Board of Education of the Waterville Central School District to levy taxes annually in the amount of $74,669 and pay over such monies to the Trustees of the C.W. Clark Memorial Library located in Oriskany Falls?  297 yes 64 no

Waterville Public Library trustees: Holly McNamara and Kristen Graves

Board of education election

Three candidates sought election to four open board of education seats

These three seats are for three-year terms from July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2026. 

(Listed in alphabetical order)

Justin Barth

Tim Jones

Stephen Stanton

The fourth seat will be filled by a write-in candidate for the remainder of the term, expiring June 30, 2024. 

Ken Boone
