Home » Universal Pre-K Enrollment Information

Universal Pre-K Enrollment Information

The Memorial Park Elementary School will once again be offering Universal Pre-Kindergarten (UPK) for the school year 2025-2026. Eligible participants must be four years of age on or before December 1st of the year in which they enroll in UPK and be a resident of the Waterville Central School District.
Registration for the UPK Program will begin on Monday, March 3, 2025, at 5:00pm at the elementary school. Application forms will be available in the elementary office or you can download the following application.

Return completed applications to Ms. Kathleen Hansen/Ms. Debbie Bruno at the elementary school.

The following pertinent information must be submitted with the school UPK Application form:
1.) Proof of residency. Examples would be a copy of a driver’s license, car insurance, utility bill, mortgage statement, or notarized landlord affidavit.
2.) Proof that your child has been tested for lead poisoning.
3.) Copy of your child’s immunization record.
4.) Copy of your child’s birth certificate showing that your child’s birth date is on or before December 1, 2021.
5.) Proof that your child has received or will receive a current physical by the onset of the 2025-2026 school year.

If you have any questions, please call 841-3750 or email khansen@watervillecsd.org.

Ms. Kathleen Hansen

Director of Special Programs and Services