Universal Pre-K Information Night will be held on Monday, Feb. 24, at 6:00 p.m. in the Memorial Park Elementary Cafeteria. Children are welcome to attend. For more information, visit https://www.watervillecsd.org/universal-pre-k/!

Home » Proposed budget to include security updates to both schools through capital outlay funds

Proposed budget to include security updates to both schools through capital outlay funds

As part of its proposed 2023-24 budget, the Waterville Central School District plans to spend its capital outlay funds, a total of $100,000, on security updates to both district school buildings.

New York state allows districts to use capital outlay funds, which are a line item in a district’s budget proposal, for such projects as facility upgrades, building construction and overall site improvements.

If voters approve Waterville’s proposed budget when they go to the polls on May 16, the money allocated for this expenditure in the 2023-24 proposal would include updates to main entrances at Memorial Park Elementary School and Waterville Jr./Sr. High School. As part of the proposed budget, the glass would be replaced in the entryway doors with bullet resistant glass as well as a tinted film. The doors were replaced in 2015.  

The funds would also cover a revamping of the entryway floor at MPS by repairing the terrazzo and installing new carpet tile as well as updates to the transaction windows at each school’s main office.

The updates to the main doors and entryways vestibules would help school personnel prohibit unauthorized entry into the buildings. Updating the transaction windows would help ensure the safety and the security of the person on the other side of the window, as well as the safety for all.

In addition to voting on the proposed 2023-24 school budget, which includes the capital outlay funds, eligible district residents will also vote on a proposition to purchase four school buses and elect four members to the Waterville Central School District Board of Education. 

Polls will be open 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the Waterville Central School District Office, 381 Madison St., Waterville. More information about the proposed budget can be found in the budget section of the district website.
