Universal Pre-K Information Night will be held on Monday, Feb. 24, at 6:00 p.m. in the Memorial Park Elementary Cafeteria. Children are welcome to attend. For more information, visit https://www.watervillecsd.org/universal-pre-k/!

Home » Frequently asked questions about the mascot, logo and team name change for the Waterville Central School District

Frequently asked questions about the mascot, logo and team name change for the Waterville Central School District

What is the new mascot for the Waterville Central School District?
Eagles was selected as the new mascot for the Waterville Central School District according to a vote involving students, parents and guardians, staff, alumni and community members. The vote was held on May 16, 2023, via an online vote that was available remotely and in-person during the annual school budget vote and board of education election held at the Jr./Sr. High School.  At its June 13 meeting, the Waterville Board of Education plans to adopt a resolution committing the district to retire the Indian mascot and to accept the new mascot. 

Why is the Waterville Central School District changing its mascot, logo and team name?
The need for a mascot and logo change comes after the New York State Education Department’s (NYSED) notification to school districts in November 2022 that they must ensure their mascots, team names and logos are non-discriminatory and specifically mentioned ending the use of Native American mascots and imagery.

Where can I find the memo from NYSED?
The memo is available at this link.

Where can I read more from NYSED on this decision?
You can read more from NYSED here — including its own FAQ section.

What are the choices for the new mascot name?  
Waterville Central School District students in grades 7-12 narrowed down the list of eight potential new mascot names down to four during the week of April 17. Students were presented the choices via a Google form and could choose up to four names from the recommended eight. The top four choices by students, listed in alphabetical order, were Eagles, Huskies, Wildcats, Wolves. A public vote was held May 16.

What is the timeline for the Waterville Central School district to change its mascot, logo and team name?
The Waterville Central School District must commit to replacing the mascot, team name and logo by the end of the 2022-23 school year. 

According to the proposed state rule that is up for adoption at the April 2023 Regents meeting, “Boards of education must commit, via resolution, to eliminating use of all Indigenous names, logos, and mascots by the end of the 2022-23 school year. Such resolution shall identify a plan to eliminate all use of the prohibited name, logo, or mascot within a reasonable time, which shall be no later than the end of the 2024-2025 school year.”

The rule went into effect May 3, 2023.

When would the change of the Waterville Central School District mascot, logo and team name go into effect?
There is no exact timeline at the moment, but the changes must be completed by the end of the 2024-25 school year.
At its June 13 meeting, the Waterville Board of Education plans to adopt a resolution committing the district to retire the Indian mascot and to accept the new mascot.   

What happens if the Waterville Central School District decides not to change its mascot, logo and team name?
From the NYSED memo: Should a district fail to affirmatively commit to replacing its Native American team name, logo, and/or imagery by the end of the 2022-23 school year, it may be in willful violation of the Dignity Act. The penalties for such a violation include the removal of school officers and the withholding of State Aid.

How much will the change of the mascot, logo and team name cost the Waterville Central School District?
The cost to replace the logos, mascots and team names on the athletic uniforms will cost approximately $35,000, according to a review by the superintendent of schools and director of athletics.

Will the state provide any funding or aid to help cover the cost of the change to the Waterville Central School District mascot, team name and logo?
The state is not providing any funding or aid to help cover the cost of the change to the Waterville Central School District mascot, team name and logo.

What is the Waterville Central School District doing to explore the changing of the mascot, team name and logo?
The district formed a committee made up of students, staff, community members, parents, alumni and district administrators to collaborate on what the new mascot, team name and logo represent.

The committee will also help determine the options for a new mascot, team name and logo.

The district shared a ThoughtExchange with the community asking, “What characteristics or attributes do you want to see reflected in the new team name and mascot for the Waterville Central School District?” Anyone could access the link and share their thoughts.  The results will be reviewed by the committee.

The district shared the ThoughtExchange directly with the Oneida Indian Nation and welcomed any direct feedback from the Oneida Indian Nation during this process, including inviting members to any committee meetings.

The committee recommended a list of names. Students narrowed down the choices to four before a public vote.

Who is on the committee to help oversee the change of the mascot, logo and team name for the Waterville Central School District?
The committee is made up of students, staff, alumni, parents and district administrators.

What is discussed at the committee meetings?
At the first committee meeting, the committee shared their thoughts about what makes WCSD unique, what WCSD should be known for and what characteristics and attributes should be reflected in the design and representation. These ideas will serve as the criteria for selecting a new mascot, team name and logo.

Here is the information from the latest committee meeting in March.

Future meeting dates will be added to this posting as they are scheduled.

What is the role of the committee?  
The role of the committee is to provide recommendations to the Waterville Board of Education during the process of selecting a new mascot, logo and team name.

What is a ThoughtExchange?
A ThoughtExchange is an online communications platform where users submit their thoughts to a question provided by the district.  At the end of the ThoughtExchange, the results will be reviewed by the committee.

How long did the ThoughtExchange last?
The ThoughtExchange was open from Jan. 25 to 4 p.m. on Feb. 6.   

How can I access the ThoughtExchange?
The ThoughtExchange to provide feedback on the change to the Waterville Central School District mascot, team name and logo is closed but results can be found at this link: https://my.thoughtexchange.com/scroll/553863042/results

How can I share my thoughts and ideas if I can’t participate in the committee meetings or the ThoughtExchange?
Everyone is welcome to submit ideas and thoughts by emailing Superintendent of Schools Dr. Jennifer Spring at jspring@watervillecsd.org.

How can I stay updated on the district’s progress in selecting a new mascot, logo and team name? 
Updates on the process will be posted to the Waterville Central School District’s website, ParentSquare account and local media outlets.
