June 22, 2021 a presentation was conducted at the board of education meeting to lay out the 3-year ARP plan. Community and Families were able to submit public comment questions to boe@watervillecsd.org. Additional questions may be submitted to the same email address.
ARP-ESSER Documents
business Office
Cynthia Amarosa
District Treasurer
(315) 841-3913
Jessie Treen
Assistant Treasurer
(315) 841-3912
Cassie Maine
Accounts Payable
(315) 841-3915
5% Learning Loss Budget Narrative
5% Learning Loss Budget Amendment #1
1% Comprehensive After-School Budget
1% Comprehensive After-School Budget Narrative
1% Comprehensive After-School Budget Amendment
1% Summer Learning and Enrichment Budget Narrative
1% Summer Learning and Enrichment FS-10 Budget