Understanding the School Budget | 2025-26 Budget Information | 2025-26 Budget Development Calendar | Voting Information | Fiscal Transparency | School Tax Payment | STAR Program
Understanding the School Budget
Public schools are among the most significant investments that any community makes collectively. District leaders work to make the most effective use of resources to benefit students, to develop and manage the budget in a responsible and transparent manner and to be accountable to taxpayers.
2025-26 Budget Information
The Waterville Central School District administration works to develop a budget that supports the district’s vision and provides for the needs of all students while maintaining the fiscal responsibility owed to the community at large.
Each spring the Board of Education adopts a school budget proposal for the coming school year to be put up for a community vote. In New York State, school district budget votes take place on the third Tuesday in May.
Budget Vote
Tuesday, May 20, 2025
10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Waterville Jr./Sr. High School Cafeteria
2025-26 Budget Development Calendar

March 1 | Tax Levy Limit Calculation due to the Office of the State Comptroller |
March 11 | BOE Meeting Review Trending Data Review Projected Revenues Review Preliminary Spending Plan |
March 25 | BOE Meeting Present budgets for instruction, transportation, building and grounds, admin, debt Present preliminary budget and identify the initial gap to continue all programs into the next year BOE examines fund balance options to supplement revenues if needed |

April 1-5 | 1st Legal Notice: Notice of Budget Hearing/Election to newspapers |
April 8 | BOE Meeting: By April 1, the NYS Legislature must adopt a budget. District updates its state aid projection. Tentative: BOCES District Superintendent and WCS BOCES Board Member to present their budget and updates. Formal adoption of 2025-26 Budget Property Tax Report Card submitted (Due by April 25) BOE approves election inspectors |
April 17 | 2nd Legal Notice: Notice of Budget Hearing/Election to newspapers |
April 21 | Submission of petitions by BOE candidates – deadline of 30 days prior to the budget vote. Inform candidates of legal requirements for election to BOE – file sworn statements of campaign contributions and distribute informational material. First sworn statement to be filed with the District Clerk and Commissioner of Education thirty days prior to vote date. Board candidate biographies due. |
April 21-May 13 | Mail Ballots: Clerk must mail an absentee ballot for every qualified voter who requests one. Must be mailed no earlier than 30 days or later than 7 days prior to the election. |
April 22 | Propositions to be on the ballot are finalized no later than 25 days before vote. Budget notice and newsletter sent to BOCES print shop and mailed by PJ Green. |
April 25 | Military ballots distributed no later than 25 days before the vote |
April 29 | BOE Meeting: BOCES Election & Administrative Budget Vote |

May 1 | 3rd Legal Notice: Notice of Budget Hearing/Election to newspapers |
May 6 | Faculty Meeting presentation – Jr./Sr. High Auditorium Administrator Compensation Disclosure available and transmitted to SED via SAMS |
May 6-14 | Mail School Budget Notice/Budget Brochure – Must arrive in homes after the budget hearing but no later than 6 days prior to the budget vote. |
May 13 | Budget Hearing and BOE Meeting 6 p.m. (Not less than 7 or more than 14 days prior to the vote) |
May 16 | 4th legal Notice: Notice of Budget Vote and Election to newspapers |
May 20 | Budget Vote and Board Member Election 10 a.m. – 8 p.m. Waterville Jr./Sr. High School Cafeteria 381 Madison Street |
Voting Information
Voter Eligibility
According to school board policy (Policy 2200), to be eligible to vote you must be:
- A citizen of the United States;
- At least eighteen years of age;
- A resident within the school district for a period of thirty days preceding the election at which such person offers to vote;
- Qualified to register or is registered to vote in accord with Section 5 – 106 of the NYS Election Law.
- Capable of providing one form of proof of residency including either a driver’s license, a non-driver identification or a utility bill. Such voters must also provide their signature, printed name and address.
Absentee Ballot
Absentee ballot voting is available. The new Early Mail Voter Act effective Jan. 1, 2024, also allows for early voting via mail without any reasons needed for voting early. You must fill out an application to vote by early voting or absentee ballot. There are separate applications for voting by early voting or absentee ballot, but the application process and deadlines are the same for both.
Absentee and early mail ballot applications for the May 20, 2025 budget vote and election will be available beginning on April 16, 2025 in the District Office. Early mail voting is similar to absentee voting, but requires no reason as to why in person voting is not possible. The voter must indicate only that they are qualified and wish to vote early by mail.
To obtain an application for either type of ballot, please call Jennifer Nichols, District Clerk, at (315) 841-3816, or email jnichols@watervillecsd.org.
The completed ballot must be received by 5 p.m. on May 20, 2025 (the day of the vote).
Fiscal Transparency
Our district is committed to fiscal transparency with all stakeholders. Each year, the district’s financial statements are reviewed by an independent auditor as required by New York State. After the audit is completed, it is reviewed by the Audit Committee and accepted by the Board of Education. In addition, New York State requires that school districts submit a detailed annual statement of the total funding allocation for each school in the district. Audited financial statements and the annual fiscal transparency report are available.
- 2022-2023 Fiscal Transparency Report
- Final Audit 2023
- Network User Accounts and Information Technology Contingency Planning November 2022
- ARP-ESSER Proposed Budget 2020-2024
- ARP-ESSER Application: Part 2 – ARP Act
- Budget Narrative ARP – ESSER
- 2019-20 School Year Financial Transparency Report
- School Administrator Salary Disclosure
- Property Tax Report Card
- Oneida County Exemption Impact Report
- Madison County Exemption Impact Report
- Bond Anticipation Notes, 2021 Series B and C
School Tax Information
Tax rates for each municipality within the district are set each August. They are based on the tax levy for the year and final municipal assessments for each of the towns. Tax rates vary between towns because property in each is assessed at different levels in relation to full market value. The state assigns each town an equalization rate to fairly divide the tax levy between the towns. The district does not control any part of the assessment or equalization process.
Looking for more information on your school tax bill? Please view our informational flyer Understanding Your School Tax Bill.
STAR Program
Homeowners who meet certain eligibility requirements through the New York State School Tax Relief Program (STAR) can have a portion of their home’s assessed value exempt from school property taxes.
Learn more about the STAR program.
If you cannot access the documents on this page, please call (518) 841-3900 or email Communications to obtain the document in an alternative format.
Departments & Services
business Office
Cynthia Amarosa
District Treasurer
(315) 841-3913
Jessie Treen
Assistant Treasurer
(315) 841-3912
Cassie Maine
Accounts Payable
(315) 841-3915
tax collector
Cynthia Amarosa
District Treasurer
(315) 841-3913
Jessie Treen
Assistant Treasurer
(315) 841-3912