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  • Capital project presentation, mobile device policy on agenda for Aug. 27 board meeting

    The Waterville Board of Education is holding a meeting on Tuesday, Aug. 27 at 6 p.m. in the Bud Dorr Board of Education Room at 381 Madison Street. During the meeting, there will be a presentation on the upcoming capital project. The timeline has been updated and the capital project vote will be Feb. 11,…

  • Waterville Board of Education appoints acting Jr./Sr. High School principal

    At its August 8 special meeting, the Waterville Board of Education approved the appointment of Dr. Steve Grimm as acting and then interim principal at Waterville Jr./Sr. High School. Dr. Grimm served as superintendent of three school districts – Lansing Central School District, Penfield Central School District and Clinton Central School District over the course…

  • Special Board of Education meeting scheduled for Aug. 8 at 5:15 p.m.

    The Waterville Board of Education will hold a special meeting on Thursday, Aug. 8 at 5:15 p.m. in the Bud Dorr Board of Education Room at 381 Madison Street. The purpose of the meeting is to accommodate personnel appointments before the start of the 2024-25 school year. The meeting agenda will be posted online before…

  • Waterville Board of Education appoints new MPS principal

    At its August 6 meeting, the Waterville Board of Education approved the appointment of Kathy Zangrilli as Memorial Park Elementary School (MPS) principal. Zangrilli has served as an assistant middle school principal in the Oneida City School District since July 2022. She taught first grade in Oneida for 15 years and fourth grade for one…

  • Community forum to discuss cell phones in our schools scheduled for Aug. 8

    The Waterville Central School District is hosting a community forum to discuss cell phones in our schools on Thursday, August 8, at 6 p.m. in the Waterville Jr./Sr. High School auditorium. A panel of experts will be featured at the meeting and members of the public will be able to listen and take part in…

  • District safety plan online for review

    A drafted version of the Waterville Central School District safety plan is online for public review. A copy can be found on the district website. A copy of the drafted plan that shows the changes between 2023-24 to 2024-25 can be found here: The plan was reviewed by the Waterville Board of Education at a public…

  • District begins search process for new principals

    At its July 9 board meeting, the Waterville Board of Education plans to accept the retirement of Karen Hinderling as Memorial Park Elementary School principal and the resignation of Jennifer Dainotto as Waterville Jr./Sr. High School principal. The search for new principals is underway. Hinderling, who has served as MPS principal since June 2021, has…

  • Public hearing on safety plan to take place July 9

    Notice of Public Hearing The Waterville Central School District will hold a public hearing on the proposed 2024-25 Waterville Central School District safety plan before any changes are adopted for the next school year. The hearing will be held at 5:45 p.m. on July 9, 2024 ahead of the Board of Education meeting in the…

  • SLIDESHOW: Class of 2024 graduation

    The slideshow below features photos from the Waterville Central School District Class of 2024 graduation. The commencement ceremony took place on June 22, 2024.

  • Families eligible for Summer EBT program from New York State

    During the summer of 2024, the State of New York will implement Summer Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT).  Summer EBT is a new federal program to help low-income households purchase food for their students over the summer when school is out of session and access to free or reduced-price school meals is not available. The Summer…