Just like a home, school facilities need regular attention and upkeep to continue to operate as originally intended. The cost of keeping up with the daily wear and tear can rise above what the annual school budget can support. Capital improvement projects are a way for school districts to access state aid to complete larger amount of facilities work than possible within the scope of the annual school budget.
Last updated Feb. 11, 2025
Project Overview | Financing | Public Hearing Presentation | Voter Information | Eligibility | Project Highlights | Design/Timeline | Headlines | FAQ
Project Overview
Proposed Cost: $18,600,000
Proposed tax impact for residents: No additional increase in taxes.
State Building Aid is expected to cover 89.6% of the total project’s approved costs. The district plans to fund $700,000 from its capital reserve funds and to finance the remaining local share.
The project would address key health and safety measures, as well as improvements to the district’s athletic fields.
It would have no additional tax impact on residents. The project is timed to align with past capital project debt. This ensures that no additional taxes would need to be levied to support the proposed project.
The remaining project costs would be covered by a combination of New York State Building Aid and funds from the district’s capital reserve, which is similar to a savings account for facility projects.
Public Hearing Presentation
Voter Information
Feb. 11, 2025 – 10 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Waterville Jr./Sr. High School Cafeteria
Absentee ballot voting is available. The new Early Mail Voter Act effective Jan. 1, 2024, also allows for early voting via mail without any reasons needed for voting early. You must fill out an application to vote by early voting or absentee ballot. There are separate applications for voting by early voting or absentee ballot, but the application process and deadlines are the same for both.
Absentee and early mail ballot applications for the Feb. 11 proposed capital project vote will be available beginning on Jan. 29 in the District Office. Early mail voting is similar to absentee voting, but requires no reason as to why in person voting is not possible. The voter must indicate only that they are qualified and wish to vote early by mail.
To obtain an application for either type of ballot, please call Jennifer Nichols, District Clerk, at (315) 841-3816, or email jnichols@watervillecsd.org.
The completed ballot must be received by 8 p.m. on Feb. 11, 2025 (the day of the vote).
According to school board policy (Policy 2200), to be eligible to vote you must be:
- A citizen of the United States;
- At least eighteen years of age;
- A resident within the school district for a period of thirty days preceding the election at which such person offers to vote;
- Qualified to register or is registered to vote in accord with Section 5 – 106 of the NYS Election Law.
- Capable of providing one form of proof of residency including either a driver’s license, a non-driver identification or a utility bill. Such voters must also provide their signature, printed name and address
Project Highlights
Memorial Park Elementary School (MPS)
- Upgrade Two “Mid-Level” Science Rooms
Waterville Jr./Sr. High School
- Athletic Fields and Drainage Improvements:
- Varsity Softball
- Modified Softball
- Varsity Baseball
- Practice Soccer Field
Health And Safety
Memorial Park Elementary School (MPS)
- Reconfigure parking and student drop-off
- Replace fire alarm system
- Replace select doors and hardware
- Upgrade water supply system piping
- Address flooring transition past media center
Waterville Jr./Sr. High School
- Replace fire alarm system
- Replace rooftop ERUs
- Duct modifications
- Replace HVAC Controls
Memorial Park Elementary School (MPS)
- Adding air conditioning, upgrade ventilation and controls
- Replace lockers
- Replace linoleum floor tile with VCT
- Upgrade art and music storage
- Replace vestibule coiling shutter
- Reconstruct gym floor
Waterville Jr./Sr. High School
- Roofing
- Reconstruct gym floor
- Create space for regents safe
Bus Garage
- Replace HVAC controls
- LED lighting upgrade
- Replace vehicle lift
- Replace soffits and lintels
The proposed project would fund the district’s highest priority projects as identified in the 2022 Building Condition Survey, which is a state-required plan that identifies aging, outdated or energy inefficient school infrastructure and facilities issues.
If approved by voters, design for all aspects of the project will begin in February. Those plans will then be submitted to the New York State Education Department for approval and the issuance of the building permit.
Upon NYSED approval and successful bidding, construction is expected to begin in the fall of 2025 and continue through September 2027.
Aug. 21, 2024: Capital project presentation, mobile device policy on agenda for Aug. 27 board meeting
Nov. 13, 2024: Waterville Central School District proposes capital project to address facility needs
Jan. 30, 2025: Public hearing for 2025 capital project scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 4; vote planned for Feb. 11
Feb. 11, 2025: Waterville voters approve $18.6 million capital improvement project
Aug. 27 board meeting featuring capital project presentation
Nov. 12 board meeting featuring proposed capital project scope of work
Feb. 4 capital project public hearing
How much will taxpayers pay for the project?
The proposed capital improvement project is anticipated to have no additional impact on the local tax share.
The proposal will be covered by New York State building aid and the existing local tax levy. The project is timed so that debt service from past capital projects will soon be retired, and the local share to be paid by taxes for the proposed capital improvement project will be similar to the local share that is currently being paid on the retiring debt – thus resulting in no increase to the tax levy for debt service.
How was the scope of the project decided?
The proposed capital improvement project would fund the district’s highest priority projects as identified in 2022 Building Condition Survey, which is a state required plan that identifies aging, outdated or energy inefficient school infrastructure and facilities issues.
New York State school districts are required to conduct regular building condition surveys and routine visual inspections in order to develop multi-year facilities plans. These plans help identify aging, outdated or energy inefficient school infrastructure and facilities issues related to health and wellness. The district also uses its long-range facilities plan to improve learning spaces based upon educational program needs. The district then prioritizes projects in conjunction with stakeholders, the board of education and the public.
When was the last capital project vote?
In March 2020, voters approved a capital project that included adding energy efficiency methods to the district, as well as updating the Jr./Sr. High cafeteria and replacing the turf at Brothertown Stadium.
Why do we need another capital project?
Just like a home, school facilities need regular attention and upkeep to continue to operate as originally intended. The cost of keeping up with the daily wear and tear can rise above what the annual school budget can support. Capital improvement projects are a way for school districts to access state aid to complete larger amount of facilities work than possible within the scope of the annual school budget.