Universal Pre-K Information Night will be held on Monday, Feb. 24, at 6:00 p.m. in the Memorial Park Elementary Cafeteria. Children are welcome to attend. For more information, visit https://www.watervillecsd.org/universal-pre-k/!

Home » Board adopts proposed 2023-24 budget

Board adopts proposed 2023-24 budget

The Waterville Board of Education adopted the proposed budget for the 2023-24 school year on April 4. There are several new items the proposed budget would cover for next school year.

The budget includes $20,959,619 in estimated revenue including a projected $14,610,847 in state aid. Overall, this is a 4.57% increase from 2022-23. While the state budget has not been finalized, the district does not anticipate major changes to the projected state aid total.

As part of the proposed budget, the Universal Pre-K day is extended to align with the Memorial Park Elementary school day. Registration for the UPK program is open to all four-year-old district residents.

Also highlighted in the budget are proposed security upgrades including bulletproof glass at main entrances and tinted film at other entryways. The budget also covers a blue light activation system, which would signal when a building is under an emergency.

Additionally, the district is looking to hire one life science teacher, an academic intervention services/special education teacher and a special education teacher assistant.

The budget also allows for the installation of ViewSonic display boards at MPS for enhanced interactive learning.

The design and launch of a new website is also covered under the budget proposal.

The annual vote on the budget is 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Tuesday, May 16, 2023 in the Bud Dorr Board of Education Room at the Waterville Jr./Sr. High School, 381 Madison Street.
