Home » 3 Waterville teachers recognized by The Positivity Project

3 Waterville teachers recognized by The Positivity Project

A group of three adults stand togehter holding socks, a hat, and a postcard with a green shield logo on them.

Three Memorial Park Elementary School teachers were recently recognized by the Positivity Project (also known as P2) for what they bring not only to the classroom but to the world.

Sabrina Denton, Karrie Moskal and Kristen Pumilia were nominated by Jody Thomas, the Positivity Project Leader at MPS.

All three teachers have been recognized for their “perseverance, integrity, enthusiasm, self-control, forgiveness, prudence, love of learning, social intelligence, and open-mindedness”, which are characteristics showcased in P2’s Other People Mindset.

This is the first year for this kind of recognition by the Positivity Project, where P2 leaders across the country in partner schools nominate people who show the characteristics above.

All nominees received a special P2 package and will be featured in P2 newsletters and on social media.

The nominations can be read below:

Sabrina Denton

Mrs. Denton is a third grade teacher at Memorial Park Elementary. She is a volunteer advisor of our after school P2 leadership club, and our Tree of Gratitude organizer. She thoughtfully uses the daily lessons to guide her students to be their best selves. Mrs. Denton is not only an inspiration to her students but she is a moral leader to her colleagues as well. She truly understands and believes that our character as teachers.adults is essential to the success of our school and our community. She understands that integrity is consistency between values, goals and actions. She lives the mission of The Positivity Projects and lifts all of MPS up by her example.

Karrie Moskal

Mrs. Moskal is a fifth grade teacher who makes P2 come alive at MPS. Not only is she consistent with her daily P2 lessons, but last year at the end of the P2 calendar she kept it going with her class. She had the kids research another character strength and create their own slides based on the Positivity Project format. It had to include a quote, a video, a lesson and follow-up questions. The kids levied it and exceeded expectations. She took time to edit and revise the presentations with her students. Then once the presentations were polished she offered all the other grade levels a chance to “rent out” her student groups to do a P2 lesson. It was a hit! It took a lot of courage and leadership for the fifth graders to do that. Mrs. Moskal is always ready to help plan or help run our monthly Matter Meetings (P2 school-wide assemblies) as well. She is the key to the success of The Positivity Project at MPS.

Kristen Pumilia

Mrs. Pumilia is a second grade teacher at Memorial Park Elementary School. She is an integral part of the success of P2 at MPS. Not only is she consistent with her daily lessons but she is constantly finding ways for her students to put their character strengths into action. She lives the Other People Mindset herself and guides her students along that path as well. She makes time to celebrate other cultures and traditions, has kids write notes of gratitude, shares time with their P2 partner class and brings awareness to those in need. She says The Positivity Project is her “bread and butter” in second grade. This year she and her class, and her second grade teammates, organized a school-wide fundraiser for a colleague’s son who is experiencing life-threatening health issues.
